15 April 2008

Tax Day is Almost Over

Money doesn't talk, it swears.
-Bob Dylan
"It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)"

Really, I don't know why I put it off; better to see the bottom of the bank account, I think, and begin planning how best to fill it back up, than to spend two months in agony, dreading the day I have to write out those big checks.

Which is, of course, today.

But now, a tremendous sense of relief. I even, in a fit of goodwill, purchased my husband real Coca-Cola instead of store brand (although if I had bought store brand, he could have had an extra liter for the same price).

I read somewhere recently (wasn't I going to stop saying that?) that you're supposed to aim, shoot, and run towards the enemy. It's not enough to hold them off, you need to make progress.

So, no more putting things off. I swear! I am adding "Run Towards the Enemy" to "What Are You Waiting For? Do It NOW!" on my imaginary wall of motivational signs. Which maybe I will make not-imaginary, now that I'm not using all my free time to obsess over our tax bill.

"Get bent! TAX MAN!!!"
-Maggie Gyllenhaal in Stranger Than Fiction
Another good movie to put on your Netflix list!

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