14 May 2008

Honey, I Have a Headache

We experienced this thing I like to call rain on Monday, which knocked out our power, and I was held hostage by my three year old daughter. After scrubbing "washable" marker off 98% of her surface area, I read so many Little Critter books that I should be considered for sainthood.

I am blaming Mercer Mayer and his Little Critter for the crippling headache I have suffered for the past 48 hours. It comes and goes, but definitely staring at the computer screen is not helpful. So, in my virtual absense, I am directing you to a little game I like to play.

It's called the Literature Map- the "tourist map of literature". Basically you enter the name of an author and it maps out similar authors.

It's the bees' knees of booknerd cartography. Have fun.


Kristin said...

Aaanannddd there goes my work day. Thanks!

My name is Robin said...

But now you know what to read next!